Thursday, December 10, 2009

heyyos peeps!
sorry for not blogging for such a long time. i've got loads of time, especially now that it's the holidays. but i always forgets to blog. it just slipped my mind. i've been reminding myself to blog, but then i'll always forget. sorryyyyy. wanted to blog ytd, but forget also. haiix. old lerhs. LOL. i'm using facebook now, not surprising. lols. randommm. :D i was blog hoppin this few days without tagging. ;D aiyahs. i havent even started on my holiday homeworks sia! i promised MYSELF that i HAVE to finish it by NOVEMBER and i havent even started and now its nearing the end of december lerhs and i still havent do. haiix. although i have the determination to go do my homeworks now, i dun have the willpower(or wadeva word). 力不从心, ya know? haiix. and i dunno why evrybody dao-ing me in the skps blog. :( im so sad. i mean, seriously, if they dun want juz put no larhs. very few ppl even VISITED the blog larhs. and i've already made it public so that other skps peeps without email/i've not invited/i dun have their email address can visit larhs! i mean. ok. maybe its not very 'well-known', thus not much ppl noe bout it. but, comeon, cant they juz use word of mouth? liddat more ppl will noe. haiix. nvm. shant care.
hahas. i've decided to finish my homework before christmas. do you peeps think is possible? i've realised that i've been slacking my whole sec1 year away so i have decided to be very hardworking when i am in sec2, and hopefully get the top 10 in class or level? LOLS. impossible. my school all the cleverclever peeps derhs. i muz be a genius to be able to beat them larhs. LOLS. which i am so not. :DD hahas. long post. but random too. ;D
okays. i go use fb lerhs. buhbyee. :D (ps if u wanna tok to me on msn and saw that im not on9, go check facebook to see whether im on9 not. if i am, most probably i am on msn too. :D if u dun have facebook, too baddd. :D)