Wednesday, May 20, 2009

~lalala~ confessions of a lazy girl

heyys ppl,

sorryy for not posting for a long time... was busy with schoolwork..^^ hahas

i shall summarise wad happened today...

today; 20/5/09 @ 11.00pm
okies..this is after my recess and the lesson shld be Science. we went to the Science Lab and did an experiment(duh!)... anws, instead of 2 lessons, we had 3 lessons..why? because the boiies are so damn noisy and Mr Ngan(my sc teacher) cannot finish his lesson and we were only halfway through the experiment. so, he took our english lesson which is right after his lesson(duh!), and we had to go through another period of 45 min. but anw, i dun mind..^^ hahas... i dun care larh actually.
after the science(finally),we went to the hall.. got aircon!! lols. but then the aircon not cold de...BOO!! anws, our sch got sell ice-cream after the assembly(@1.15pm - 2.00pm) but i didnt buy cuz i dun wan waste money.. unless u wanna treat me?^^ and when i was walking to the gate, i saw Dr.Boon(my principal), and unluckily for me, my shoelaces was untied. so she said,"girl,ur shoelaces is untied." and i said,"thankyou Dr.Boon." real softly cuz i very scared of her..and besides, she was walking beside Ms.Cheong(VP)... and i took a picture of the durian at the sch!!

the rite?

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