Wednesday, May 12, 2010

hello world!
this shall be my first post since a longlong time. :D
lets see. i last posted on 25 feb, so it is... arnd 2mths and dunnohowmanydays. :D
hahas. hmm. in the midst of mye. tmr is Science paper. i scared i fail :X
haix. and im posting instead of studying. whoa. im pro. LOL
hmmm. jiayous to whoever that can see my blog. :X get ur dream results kay?
study hard, play hard, and relax! :D strike a balance between work and play.
'all work and no play makes jack a dull boy' havent u heard? :D so must play, but also must study! loveyouallloads. :D
and lastly, lets wish my beloved(*vomits*) senior jiahuan a
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! iloveyou kays? :D go mug for ur Os and get 8distinctions! :D
jiayousjiayous! to everyone too!

ps. today's post doesnt really makes any sense. :X


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