Thursday, June 13, 2013


Hey guys!
As you can probably guess from the title, I'm feeling ultra lazy. I haven't even started on my holiday homework and it's already nearing the end of the second week of Holidays! Can't believe I'm so freaking lazy ): i don't feel like doing anything at all. Like, nothing. I can't get myself to do something, although i want to. And having to do house chores is not helping. Blah. I mean like, seriously?! You've spent the one week plus doing absolutely nothing?! Now, that's a feat I think few can actually achieve. Yet, i managed to do it. And mind you, it's not a good thing. Sigh. I don't even know what I'm doing with my life right now. I'm lucky I managed to do well for my O levels without much studying, but the same cannot be said about A levels. I myself know very extremely well that if i want to get an 80+ Grade Point Average, I need to, like must, study my ass off. Crude, I know, but it's the cold, hard truth. So I've got no choice but to accept it. Sometimes I really wonder how I would be like now if I had chosen the poly course... Or maybe, what would have happened if I had chosen another JC instead of the one I'm currently studying in now. Sigh, sometimes i really regret choosing this JC. It's not so much the people (though it might contribute partly) but the system (制度) that greatly distresses me. I honestly hate the school system with a burning fiery passion. And that's saying a lot, seeing as I've just gotten into the school not too long ago and I'm not one who forms impression fast. Honestly, all I can say is that the school seriously, really, suck. Like, big time. I guess that explains why I seriously cannot be bothered to do my homeworks yeah? Sigh. All I campn hope is that I can set aside time to actually do my work, and do it well. I really want to graduate in two years. Pray for strength. (:
'I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.' - Philippians 4:13, NIV
Ta for now~

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