Thursday, June 4, 2009

yo ppl!
i'm posting again. hahas. realised that my life wasnt as interesting as other ppl. hahas. my life was.. boring... really.. its all routine... haiix.. its the holidays yea, so i would juz like to wish everybody a happy holidays though i noe that most or all of u might have a pile of homework as high as a mountain... hahas, direct translation(堆积如山)lols..
i hope all of u have finished at least one of ur hw? have ya? i havent.. sad... i'm feeling really lazy.. i have no mood to do homework.. though i would like to do.. hahas.. almost all of them is on9 de.. SAD...><
hahas.. okies.. i noe i'm very luo shuo but juz bear with me yea? finishing soon le larh..
Okies.. as i promised.. i'm done with my post! thanks for bearing me for this long!! byebye!

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