Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Its the 1st of June, and that means its HOLIDAY TIME!
Ahhh, finally a break after 10 weeks of hellish School Days. Hmmm, MYEs are over, and i screwed them all. Failed Amaths. Unexpected. :( But yeah, my Math have never been good. Sigh.
STRESSED. Tomorrow I'm having auditions. Haiiix, i really really really wanna be pres. :( But yeah, i dun think i can, since im not a triple science student and my pres doesnt like me(i think). After the auditions tomorrow, there'll be an interview on Friday. Sianzxc, i cant be the pres anymore. Andandand! For the auditions, they'll be giving us NEW score! We have to read ONTHESPOT. Oh manzxc, how am i going to play well! Im so screwed.
Haiiix, Ive wasted almost one week of my holidays doing absolutely NOTHING. How in theworld am i ever going to finish the tons of homework i have? Oh manzxc. I am so very screwed. Andandand! Another week of my holiday would be gone cuz' I'll be goin for OBS. ONE WHOLE WEEK WASTED. Ohya, im damn scared for OBS, like seriously. Canoeing+kayaking for ONEWHOLEDAY. Im gonna die. Seriously. Haiix. OBS is soooo stressful. And scary. :( I wanna be pressssssssss. heehee. ;D i still havent write my testimonial for my Baptism. Better get it done fast, otherwise i can dream on about getting baptised, and i reaaally wanna get baptised. :( I have a whole load of things to do, and i have not even touched one of them yet! I am very screwed yeah? Haiix, and my blog is so deaddd! :O Not very surprising. But I WILL, and I MUST, get EVRYTHING done BY THE THIRD WEEK OF THE HOLIDAYS! Its not impossible. :D Cheerme on yeah? Tyvm. And i shall end off here. GOODBYE FOR NOW.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

WHEEE! Its raining cats and dogs outside. I WAS DRENCHED. Hope i get a chill soon. :D Then can skip SCHOOL and CCA. :D YAY I RAWK. Hahas, jkjk, aiyahs, my amath got C6, sad or wad! Haiix, i lost 5 marks due to carelessness in my recent amath test, otherwise i could have just passed. Hahas, but my previous test i got quite high, so i passed my overall. :D Hees, shant write much today. Shall end here. Will post the pictures about the heavy rain someday soon. :D Yeaps, i was that bored. Yeaps, i know no one takes picture of rain. Yeaps, i like taking pictures of the rain. THEYRE SO COOL. THEY LOOK LIKE WATERFALL. :D Hahas, anw, byebye! :D

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Haiix, secondary 3 life is superduper tiring. I feel exhausted EVERYDAY.I mean, totally exhausted. Mentally and physically. Sianzxc. And everyday also got homeworks. Sigh, just have to accept my fate though. I think im kinda glad that i didnt get into triple science, cuz my friends in triple science stream are like, even worse! They have more tests and more homeworks then us. Hahas. God's Blessing uh? :D
Haiix, youknowwhat? I feel very distant from my friends. We were once quite close, but now. Haiix, i feel as though I dunno her any longer.
She has changed. Is it time for me to move on and make more new friends? I do know that im quite like, rigid with my friends. As in, I dun mix around easily, and i prefer to hang out with my already-known friends instead of making new ones. Sigh, what should I do? I just feel so awkward trying to make new friends. Like, I feel that I dun open up to others easily sia. Everyday when I'm in school, I feel as though iIm wearing a mask to cover who I am deep down. Only during CCA can i take off my mask. But, even so, my pres is very strict and i have to be guai again. I cant let loose anymore. I feel so stressed, so sianzxc, that i dun wanna do ANYTHING at all. I know i have to do my homework, but i feel so sad, so tired, so stressed that I dun do it. Haiix. Lets hope I can persevere on. :(
My life right now? Its a mess. Im sorry for not updating my blog but i just dun feel like it. Haiix, im veryveryvery sad, y'knw. I lost one of my better friends, and the grp of friends I usually hang out with have also moved on(as in, make new friends?). Haiix. I guess its time for me to make new friends too. But how? Like, up till now, i still hardly talk to people in my class. Im friends with like, LESS than half the people? :O Haiix, and i get the feeling that alot of people dun like me in my class. WHY? :( Even her(refer to para1). Haiix. I have such a depressing life. But nevermind! As the saying goes: "theres a light at the end of the tunnel" or something like that. I shall just continue to move forward. Alone. And strive to do my best in everything. And not go to Facebook. Haiix, i think alot of people regard me as the one who is always oh-so-happy, the one who is always smiling. But, thats not how i feel inside! Just to be accepted, i have to put on an act. How pathetic am i! Haiix, I miss my sec2 life. I miss my primary life. I miss my past. I regret not appreciating it at that time. I regret wasting my time away. I regret not being able to be more enthu about everything. I regret not cherishing my friends and classmates and teachers in the past. Haiix, why did I change so much from primary school? I was so guai and didnt care much abt what ppl think of me. Now, everything i do, it has to be 'in'. I hate the me now. Its not who i am, it cannot portray me as me. Im not the unique me anymore. Im just another ordinary girl, a dumb,stupid girl that is trying so hard to be 'in', but still end up being ostracized. Haiix. Goodbye world. Im off to sleep. At least i can escape from the harsh reality for awhile. Even if its for a short while. And i miss my maid. hahas, goodnight! :D


Monday, January 3, 2011

Last day of the Holidays! :(

And so! After a looong holiday break, I have to go back to school again tomorrow! Oh, how i dread it. Haiix, but what can i do about it? Nothing! I'm resigned to fate already! At least I managed to finish my homeworks. Haiix, lets hope this year would be a better year, and my class would not be as bad I think it is, because otherwise, I will seriously die! ANYWAYS, HAPPY NEW YEAR to all my readers. (Though I doubt there are any.) I will try to change my blogskin, because this skin is so very troublesome. :D Anyways, i will not be posting much. As I've always done, so dun have to come back so regularly! And thats all! oGoodbye! See you all in my next postt! ;D