Wednesday, January 27, 2010

hahas.i have skipped lunch and recess for two consecutive days! hahas. and i am not hungry ! and i did not kope food from other. ;D
hahas. well. i dun really have much to blog abt. (i think) erms..
LOL.  lemme think. i didnt post ytd right? hahas. ytd i was angry wif my fren. i mean. seriously. i think it was the first time i got angry. they anyhow spread rumours abt me(which is totally untrue) that i like someone! KAOBEI! although it was juz like, joking liddat, i already tld them not to anyhow say. and u noe wad?! THEY WROTE IT ON THE BOARD! lucky its not in my class and lucy i saw it juz in time and the guy erased the last few letters of the person's name. and then someone i totally had no idea is who, continued witing for him! Fcuk la!
then the person who spread was in my cca and ytd got cca so i have to see him stupid larhs. so, i PRETENDED to bear no grudge against him but i was really fuming. but i needed to like. urm. idunnohowtosaylarhs. anyways. i just talk to him, or shld i say. i only said hi and nth else. i was fuming mad! Fcuk himi and his stranger friend and bunny larhs!. i dun care if they see this post. Fcuk them! im damndamndamndamndamndamn pissed off and i have no idea how long im gonna be angry for. maybe a few months? few weeks? few days? but i think might be longer cuz ive been botling up all my anger when i first came to ahs instead of 'unleashing' them like i did in pri sch. i noe i shldnt do that, but ijustcantunleash them. i dun want my 'friends' to like, be scared of me when i became angry. they will always talk abt 'that-time-when-i-got-angry' time. so i didnt unleash. but icant take it anymore! i hate myself! at least in pri sch it was so much easier to forgive and not be angry after a while. but! i think ive changed. i cant help it. :( anyways. i seroously hatehatehatehate them! i shant name them here though. i shall end of here. will talk abt a happier post! ;D bb.


Saturday, January 23, 2010

i went to cut my hair today!! argh!!! my hair now damndamndamndamn short larhs! i hate it sia :( stupid larhs. haiix. and today i woke at like, 7.45 am! i tot it was already 10 plus lorhs. hahas. i siao de. ;D
hmmm. im kinda bored you know? hahas. oh! and ytd we had cca orientation! hahas. harmonica had 12 sec 1s! hahas. they not cute derhs. -.- andandand! they not shy de lorhs! hahas. i expected them to be! ;D oh! and ergao pathetic lorhs. only 2 sec 1s. bass steal frm us. they got 4!!! >=( hahas. zzzz. i sian lehs. oh! and arh, i seriously dun like my sec 1 guy junior. he abit lke zi da liddat. like bu shuang de. hahas. but i like the feeling of being a SENIOR! hahas. though im shorter than them. =.= at least i taller than dexter! hahas.
hmmm. anything else to add on? dun tink so seh. i tink im gonna post some pictures on facebook. hahas. random derhs. ;D
ok byebye! ;D see ya in my next post~

Thursday, January 21, 2010

hees. sorry for posting yet again. hahas. i forgot something. ;D
My NewYear Resolutions(i know its kinda late but who cares?) :
1) Lose weight !! (i must weigh less than 40kg!)
2) Get A1s for at LEAST 5 subjects
3) Grow TALLERR ( until 150/160 is impossible)
4) Get top 10 position in class, top 50 position in level(impossible!)
5) Get EDUSAVE ! ( my edusave going bankrupt soon. :X)
6) Pass my Grade 5 theory!
7) Take Grade 6 Exam this year(impossible)
8) Learn the VIOLIN!!
Wishlist for 2010:
1) Own Camera! (must be pink,slim etc)
2) New Handphone! ( best is touch derhs.)
3) New SlingBag !
4) Another Laptop!
5) New Handbag! (hahas)
6) Violin~<3
7) iPod!

hahas. thats abt it. erms. if got more then i update kayys? byebye.
today my school ended at 11am! so early right? hahas. 
dun really have much to post. :X sorry. and i do know that my blog has been kinda dead but wad can i do? i just forgets to post.:X and it is NOT a convenient excuse i use ok? hahas. my english has been deproving. :( in terms of oral, i still have my 'accent' according to my friends, though i seriously dun think i have. do i? hahas. anyways, today was FUNFUNFUNN! ;D hahas.
i had home econs. they stupid la my sch. change the name until veryvery long. frm home economics become global citizens education home economics. long or what? heh. i cooked spanish sponge cake! nice luh. hahas. but im like, extremelyextremely suay. i got a GUY for my partner. sheesh. and i dun even know him at all!! hahas. oh. and we didnt even communicate larhs! we were just like "you want to do" only ! LOLS. i mean, seriously~ i dun even know the guys in my class. :X other than al. hahas. then after home econs was RECESS. hahaha! ;D i took a picture of joanne. wanna see? hahas. i shant upload though. LAZYY~~ hahas. imma lazy gal ;D <3 after recess was english. it was okayy. we had to read the sentences and my row was ULTRA lucky lorhs. the teacher actually wanted everybody in the class to read and she missed my row cuz she jumped here jumped there, as in. erms. she randomed? LOLS. and so she missed my row and so we dunnid to read. ;D <3 haas.
LOLS. you know wad? i miss 1 Respect. :( my class is ultra boring. its ok luh actually but its very difficult to make friends. and my row is like, superduperultra lazy. when teacher ask us to make groups they always like, aiyah, liddat can lerhs. i mean! seriously! i wanna be with people i noe! like yilin~ <3 hahas. then other respectians so fast make good friends. then ;pangseh' me and yilin. :( so sad right? hahas. nevermind. i shant care. oh! and my row got BaiZhiYang larhs. how suay is that? he is like. extreme niangniangqiang. urgh. and i DESPISE him. in fact, i LOATHE him. aiyah. dunno larhs. the degree abit wrong eh? LOLS i mean. seriously. he is like. always putting on FAKE accents. like. china accents, indian(?) accent, etc etc. so stupid. i mean. my accent is not purposely de lorhs. sheesh. haiix. i miss 1 Respect and 6 Faith lots. :( nevermind. kayys. gottogo! ;D see ya in my next post! stay tuned... ...

michelle was here

Saturday, January 2, 2010

its the new year alr! im so not excited. LOL
here's to a veryvery belated christmas greeting and new year greeting:
LOL. yea. im finishing my hw soon, i think. LOL. yea. my blog has been kinda dead, hasnt it? LOL/ sorry bout that. i'll try to post more often but hen i dunno whether it is possible cuz sch is starting in 2 days time. :(( and my new class doesnt have alot of 1 Respect peps. :( hahas. i'll post my new year resolutions tmr. i tihink. as soon as i can actually. which most probably will not be tmr. hahas. juz stay tuned and u will see my resolution in no time at all. LOL.
ytd i went to watch some harmonica performance cuz my uncle got tickets. then i saw my harmonica jiao lian!!! walao. damn suay. he and my uncle noe each other seh. walao. then they talktalktalk. my uncle 'introduced' me to him. then after the whole thing end my coach say he'll rmb me. WTH! im quite sure he is gonna ask wad i tink bout the performance larhs. ARGH. im so extremely suay. :( haiix. wish me luck. ;D hope he'll forget abt it.  yea. so. im gonna end here yea? goodbye! luv ya!