Saturday, January 2, 2010

its the new year alr! im so not excited. LOL
here's to a veryvery belated christmas greeting and new year greeting:
LOL. yea. im finishing my hw soon, i think. LOL. yea. my blog has been kinda dead, hasnt it? LOL/ sorry bout that. i'll try to post more often but hen i dunno whether it is possible cuz sch is starting in 2 days time. :(( and my new class doesnt have alot of 1 Respect peps. :( hahas. i'll post my new year resolutions tmr. i tihink. as soon as i can actually. which most probably will not be tmr. hahas. juz stay tuned and u will see my resolution in no time at all. LOL.
ytd i went to watch some harmonica performance cuz my uncle got tickets. then i saw my harmonica jiao lian!!! walao. damn suay. he and my uncle noe each other seh. walao. then they talktalktalk. my uncle 'introduced' me to him. then after the whole thing end my coach say he'll rmb me. WTH! im quite sure he is gonna ask wad i tink bout the performance larhs. ARGH. im so extremely suay. :( haiix. wish me luck. ;D hope he'll forget abt it.  yea. so. im gonna end here yea? goodbye! luv ya!

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