Monday, October 5, 2009

whees~ i'm back! ~
hahas. just updating my blog for the sake of updating my blog.(:
alrights, now, i'm going to tell u about the events that transpired for this day.
the usual.
first,i went to school! school sucks big time. (: dun y'all agree?
then i went to class to have lessons! lessons sucks big time too.(:
thenthenthen..err..i went for recess. recess rocks! hahaha.
then i went back to class after eating moii twisties.(: hahaha. coool rite? lols.
then i er.. prepared for maths test. whooosh! its such a chore to studyy! then the maths test? i screwed it. was okayy actually,but cuz i nvr really study so i screwed it. (: haha
then. erm. i tink i. erm. lemme tink. oh ya! malay! i love malay. chickenfeed. haha. though i suck at malay though im still considered one of the better ones in malay. hees. hahas.yea. malay was funnn! then cher ask us to translate the english sentence she gave us to malay. her first sentence was like. superduperultra-ly simple. simplest sentence u can ever get, after 'how are you'.
then,, english. i dreadd english. why? no idea either. but i still lovelovelovelove english okayys? its juz that i.. aiya. dunno lahs.must i have a reason to everything reallly?
andandand! today rained again! wheeees. i did tell u that i lovelovelove the rain in the previous post, like, who doesnt? if u doesnt like the rain then get outta moii blogg! hees. nvm. but today the rain not as heavy as the other day.): but. nvm! i did take some pictures but i too lazy to post it. maybe in my facebook profile? i not too sure. heehees.
anymore.. hmmm. ohya! while walking to the bus-stop, i saw moii cca seniors!take not. seniors with the 's'. meaning more than one. must take note of my grammar ok? it'll tell u the quantity. (:
hahas. yea. so i saw my seniors, namely my SL and my section senior. both are girls mind you. haha. yea. so. i was like walking my 'slower-than-normal-but-still-very-fast' walking pace(those who are very close to me in secondary school shld noe my walking pace by now) and the other girl was like, teasing me,  saying i walk so fast for wad then dunno wad la.. then i was smiling and smiling but i nvr once looked back. hahas. then later they sayy bb to me then i turn back and sayy bb to them. hees.
then no more le lorhs. like i said, i took pictures in the bus. the '87' bus la. not '222' or '14'. hahas. yea. so
i shall sign off here, bb. before i go, i know that most of u here are goin to take ur exams soon, or are already taking ur exams. so,i shall wish u all the best and good luck! jiayous ppl! i noe u can do it! (: aim for ur goal and work hard towards it! prove to ur teachers that u are NOT a useless person. alrights? according to TVM(TVMobile),it is said,"Achieving starts with believing", so ppl, u mustmustmust believe in yourself, that u can do it, and of course, 天底下没有白吃的午餐, so u must studyy oso larhs. plsplsplsplspls study, for ur sake,not mine, hahas.
err.. lemme tink.. ohshit! i forgot to study for acc. and science! haiix. acc and science sucks big time too.(: hahas. whoa. my post damn long le nia. ok lorhs. so i shall end of here. now. bb! cya i guess. (:

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