Thursday, December 10, 2009

heyyos peeps!
sorry for not blogging for such a long time. i've got loads of time, especially now that it's the holidays. but i always forgets to blog. it just slipped my mind. i've been reminding myself to blog, but then i'll always forget. sorryyyyy. wanted to blog ytd, but forget also. haiix. old lerhs. LOL. i'm using facebook now, not surprising. lols. randommm. :D i was blog hoppin this few days without tagging. ;D aiyahs. i havent even started on my holiday homeworks sia! i promised MYSELF that i HAVE to finish it by NOVEMBER and i havent even started and now its nearing the end of december lerhs and i still havent do. haiix. although i have the determination to go do my homeworks now, i dun have the willpower(or wadeva word). 力不从心, ya know? haiix. and i dunno why evrybody dao-ing me in the skps blog. :( im so sad. i mean, seriously, if they dun want juz put no larhs. very few ppl even VISITED the blog larhs. and i've already made it public so that other skps peeps without email/i've not invited/i dun have their email address can visit larhs! i mean. ok. maybe its not very 'well-known', thus not much ppl noe bout it. but, comeon, cant they juz use word of mouth? liddat more ppl will noe. haiix. nvm. shant care.
hahas. i've decided to finish my homework before christmas. do you peeps think is possible? i've realised that i've been slacking my whole sec1 year away so i have decided to be very hardworking when i am in sec2, and hopefully get the top 10 in class or level? LOLS. impossible. my school all the cleverclever peeps derhs. i muz be a genius to be able to beat them larhs. LOLS. which i am so not. :DD hahas. long post. but random too. ;D
okays. i go use fb lerhs. buhbyee. :D (ps if u wanna tok to me on msn and saw that im not on9, go check facebook to see whether im on9 not. if i am, most probably i am on msn too. :D if u dun have facebook, too baddd. :D)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

yohhs ppl of the world. LOL.
todayy is a sundayy and i went to church~~ haha
anw, today nth to post cuz nth happened. ):
hahas. today nvr go cell grp. (: ytd also. LOL.
fridayy we knew our marks etc etc. i got 14th in class! i want cryy lerhs.
and 172 in level! omg. so lan. i can jump off a building nia. LOL. joking. (:
haiix. my overall percentage only 72.9 lehs. so low. A2 only. i very sad nia.
haiix. i very depressed lehs. how?! i dun tink i can get into 2 A/B/C already. sure go 2 E or worse derhs. haiix
haiix. haiix. actually i had sth to post for dunno which day. butthen i 4got wad i wanted to say. PS.
haiix. haiix. haiix.
LOLS. ok ok. dun care lerhs. ((:
today very boring. hahas. wadeva. byebyee~ cya in my next post. (i noe this is veryu abrupt, but i cant help it.)
michelle was here. (:

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

yohhs ppl! i'm backkkk~
today is the last free day. ): tmr is normal timetable lerhs. so sad rite.
haiixx.. so today, we had mini-olympics(still!0:) LOL.
so, it was bout' the same. went to cca room. hahas. i called AND smsed my senior early in the morning to ask her whether we goin cca room.
then later i was playing wif my frens, i didnt noe she got smsed me back. x_x
then charlotte asked whether she got reply then i said no. then i go check luhs, since i also dunno. LOL
then i saw her message, LOL. very late lerh lorhs. she smsed me back kinda early butthen i 8.55 liddat then see. PSPS.
then arhs. i called my another senior. then she reject my call. sheesh, but she was taking the survey so nvm.
then she smsed me. then i asked her survey juz finished ah then ya larhs. then i asked her whr she. then she say in cca room lerhs!
cheatt!!! juz finish how can so fast reach de?! eeeeehh. hmph. LOL anyways. today in cca room played wordsearch! hahas.
then erm got play 'tai ti', stress and erms, cheat and hangman(sorta). haha. nth much really happened today, so my post shall be short and 'sweet', HAHA! okies. i've come to the end of my postt~ tata~ (:

michelle was here(:

Monday, October 19, 2009

exams are overrrr~~ woooots~
today is a holiday in lieu of deepavali so i'm posting about wad happenned in the past few days. (: hope my life is interesting enough to let you stay and finish reading my post, though it might be kinda looooooong. hees.
erms. as usual, i went to church. LOL. Nothing too interesting happened i think. (:

erms. what exactly did i do on Sat? erms. lemme think. ermmmmm.. argh. i cant remember. sheesh. whats wrong with me man. oh ya! i think we went to my grandma's house. yea. but before that we went to, erms, woodlands, i think. yea, woodlands, to the shopping centre there but i cant really remember the name. LOL. we went there to look at jewellery cuz my mum bought a ring for me but i cant wear it so we go exchange. then erm, my mum say she'll buy a white gold bracelet for each of us. but because theres nothing there that interest me so i didnt buy anything, only for my two sisters. hees. erm. than my mum sayy she'll bring us go centrepoint to buy cause different branches specialises in different erm, wad-you-call-that. than centrepoint is erm, specialises in white gold. okayy. i noe specialise is not the right word but i just cant seem to remember the word. anyway, my mum owes me a bracelet now. (: erm, afterthat, we went to erm, popular. yea. than there got this special promotion for popular members. the new pens are at sale for 50 cents for pop. card members so my mum bought them larhs. cuz cheap wad. 50 cents only. actual price was like, $2.15? the price different very big lorhs. so of cuz we bought it larhs. then erm, limit is 12, we bought 10. hees. erm, than afterthat we went to grandma's house. then erm, i talked to Eugene, ask him bout' Daniel's prob cuz they two same class wad. LOL. so yea. i asked lorhs. nothing very surprising. it seems that Daniel was very stressed out by his mum i guess, cuz Eugene say Daniel told him that his mum would 'kill him if he never finish his homework'. but i still cant believe that he took his life larhs. i mean, P5? not so stress de lorhs. even if the mum threatened, she wont do such thing wad rite? sad lorhs that guy. SKPS also very 惨 lorhs. haiix. rest in peace larhs. okay then end of Sat's post, went back. -.-

friday was funn~~ hahas. we had mini olympics in school than is cca against cca so we had to cheer for our cca. but we lost all.  hahas. big deal. LOL. yea. then cuz we feeling very bored, we went to cca room budden cca room kenna lock. so we called our cca treasurer ask him get keyy from our pres or vice pres. then erm, he dun wan go up give us so we had to go down get from him. LOL. yea. then i was playing with my senior's hair. LOL. anyways, alot of fun things happened in between but i lazyy go describe evrything in detail. LOL. yea. than in cca room that time, i played the keyboard awhile. then later we went exploring the store room. LOL. found loads of stupid things such as charcoal for barbequeing. LOL. then the room was like, extremely smelly nia. we also found the make-up kit lorhs. LOL. then we played with one another, asking whether want put make-up not. LOL. (me, charlotte and jane were inside only) thenthenthen. the three of us went out and back to class then we talktalktalk awhile then go back cca room. erm. then they were playing twister. damn funny. LOL. as in, they were all tangled in the middle lorhs. then we joined them.(me and charlotte, cuz jane not same class as us so we nvr go back with her.) then i very lucky cuz i always get easy easy de. all outside de. then later the spinner anyhow say to make us messed up but i still always get the ends de. very easy balance. LOL. charlotte kenna middle once. i zero. so charlotte's LOUSYY! haha. then erm,erm, ohya! then at like, ard 12.30 can go home already. HAHA. so we went home earlyearly so i reached home early early. (: i went home with charlotte. (: so end of friday. (:

these three days are exam days. so thr's nth to say.just exam, exma ,exam. damn difficult okayy. -.- then got dunno which day i go home with Limmin, ithink is Wed, then the back gate not oopen yet. so erm, we squeezed through the hole there. damn funny. LOL. cuz we dun dare climb the fence lorhs. haha. funny. yea, so nth happened on the other days of the exams.

Today is holiday again! haha. looong post nia. so byebye. i have to eat lunch lerhs. later cousin cuming to study with sis. LOL. byebye. luv ya. (: see ya soon. (:

Monday, October 5, 2009

whees~ i'm back! ~
hahas. just updating my blog for the sake of updating my blog.(:
alrights, now, i'm going to tell u about the events that transpired for this day.
the usual.
first,i went to school! school sucks big time. (: dun y'all agree?
then i went to class to have lessons! lessons sucks big time too.(:
thenthenthen..err..i went for recess. recess rocks! hahaha.
then i went back to class after eating moii twisties.(: hahaha. coool rite? lols.
then i er.. prepared for maths test. whooosh! its such a chore to studyy! then the maths test? i screwed it. was okayy actually,but cuz i nvr really study so i screwed it. (: haha
then. erm. i tink i. erm. lemme tink. oh ya! malay! i love malay. chickenfeed. haha. though i suck at malay though im still considered one of the better ones in malay. hees. hahas.yea. malay was funnn! then cher ask us to translate the english sentence she gave us to malay. her first sentence was like. superduperultra-ly simple. simplest sentence u can ever get, after 'how are you'.
then,, english. i dreadd english. why? no idea either. but i still lovelovelovelove english okayys? its juz that i.. aiya. dunno lahs.must i have a reason to everything reallly?
andandand! today rained again! wheeees. i did tell u that i lovelovelove the rain in the previous post, like, who doesnt? if u doesnt like the rain then get outta moii blogg! hees. nvm. but today the rain not as heavy as the other day.): but. nvm! i did take some pictures but i too lazy to post it. maybe in my facebook profile? i not too sure. heehees.
anymore.. hmmm. ohya! while walking to the bus-stop, i saw moii cca seniors!take not. seniors with the 's'. meaning more than one. must take note of my grammar ok? it'll tell u the quantity. (:
hahas. yea. so i saw my seniors, namely my SL and my section senior. both are girls mind you. haha. yea. so. i was like walking my 'slower-than-normal-but-still-very-fast' walking pace(those who are very close to me in secondary school shld noe my walking pace by now) and the other girl was like, teasing me,  saying i walk so fast for wad then dunno wad la.. then i was smiling and smiling but i nvr once looked back. hahas. then later they sayy bb to me then i turn back and sayy bb to them. hees.
then no more le lorhs. like i said, i took pictures in the bus. the '87' bus la. not '222' or '14'. hahas. yea. so
i shall sign off here, bb. before i go, i know that most of u here are goin to take ur exams soon, or are already taking ur exams. so,i shall wish u all the best and good luck! jiayous ppl! i noe u can do it! (: aim for ur goal and work hard towards it! prove to ur teachers that u are NOT a useless person. alrights? according to TVM(TVMobile),it is said,"Achieving starts with believing", so ppl, u mustmustmust believe in yourself, that u can do it, and of course, 天底下没有白吃的午餐, so u must studyy oso larhs. plsplsplsplspls study, for ur sake,not mine, hahas.
err.. lemme tink.. ohshit! i forgot to study for acc. and science! haiix. acc and science sucks big time too.(: hahas. whoa. my post damn long le nia. ok lorhs. so i shall end of here. now. bb! cya i guess. (:

Friday, September 18, 2009

welcome once again to my blog! its been 2 weeks and 2 days since  i last blogged.
didnt do much during the elapsed time. just went visiting ex-SKPians' blog..
not exactly only skp-ians, but my good friends, including some of my church friend.
sigh.misses skps alot. reallyreally misses it.
 oh, andandand, today rained quite heavily and i realised that i lovelovelove spending heavy-raining days in the side seat of a moving vehicle, especially when seated in the 2nd deck of the double-deckered bus, beside the window! the view is like, MAGNIFICENT! i lovelovelovelovelove the view. :D  woosh! my post quitee longg seh today.. (: surprising eh? lols.

ok! i noe thatt u must be feeling very bored already so i shall end off my post with this quote:
"God loves each one of us as if there were only one of us."  Saint Augustine
Meaning: God loves each one of us veryveryvery much. As if there was only on of us on this world.(My interpretation)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hi ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls!
Welcome to the stupidest blog on Earth, and it belongs to...*drumroll*
haha. ok . im being very lame. anyways, today, i have got nothing much to say except that im taking my Grade 5 piano practical exams 2 weeks from now!! i nvr even practice seh.. i confirm guarantee chop i will fail. i will bet u $1.. ): haiix.. havent even do theory, even if pass the exam still cannot continue to grade 6.. sadd! walaoeh! i hate my life lorhs.. ):
whew, finally calmed down.. argh! i dun wan go see harmonica concert.. its on a SATURDAY! stupid la! argh.. stupid stupid stupid!!! wadeva le la! i dun care le! BYEBYE!
i hate my stupid life                                                     ~michelle~

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

hi! i shant blog today! i shall just welcome you to my blog and sayy byebye and hope to see you again! ((:
anw, i got 5th position and 50th position for my class 2.4 km run girls, and level run girls respectively.. happy ! i dying le.. so tired. hahas
ok.. byee byee! hope to see you again! (:

Saturday, July 11, 2009

heyyo ppl!
blogging again! (: though i hasnt got much to blog abt.. (:
haha.. (:
my eldest sis is sick! ): has a temperature of 38.sth.. ):
went to see the clinic and got lots of weird medicine..
total cost? $62!! gosh! expensive sia.. ): lucky not my money..(:
erms.. dun tink theres anymore topic to blog abt.. hmmm... is there? i cant tink of anything..
hmmm... ... erms... im eating gummy bears now!! (: lols (:
lots of faces today rite? haha. feeling hyper, thats why.. (:
haiix.. i dunno what hw i have.. racking my brain to rmb.. ): going to burst with stress-ness.. ):
haiix.. really really bored.. ): anyone has a idea wad to do? really going to burst with bored-ness.. ):
LOLS.. eldest sis sleeping soundly then 2nd sis hp riing in the same room damn loudly.. haha.. (:
is this post considered long or short? erms.. no idea.. (: haha..
ok! i gtg! bb! cya in my next post, when i decide to post, which mite be nx month.. (: haha.. ok! bb!

Monday, June 29, 2009

wooots! today i didnt go sch! haha! not bcuz of H1N1, bcuz i nid do e-learning.. haha
anw, my blogskin got problem so when u ppl want to tag muz scroll down, scroll right and then scroll up..
i know very 麻烦 but i also cannot help it.. and im too lazy to change my blogskin, so.. juz put up with it ok?
anw, today's blog post is juz to clarify matters over my tagbox.. so ppl, PLS TAG!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

haiix... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

haiix...sch hols ending alr but i still havent really touch on my hw.. still playin
i want to finish all by wed, but i dun feel like doin anything now..haiix...
feeling stressful.. got any idea how to relax? haiix... dunno wad to do..
feeling down in the dumps today and really wanting to let loose but..
HOMEWORKS!! might as well dun do and get scolded.. lol.. jkjk..
haiix.. wanna do sth.. but dunno wad to do.. want to go back to P6 so can let loose myself cuz Primary not as many hw as Secondary... haiix ...
i really cannot take it anymore.. why did i choose AHS?! should've chosen XMSS.. then at least not so stress(i tink)...
haiix...really really hate this sch... dun wish to offend AHS ppl, but i really hate this sch sometimes! ARGH!!!
the only time i tink i can be a li'l happier is during recess mayb? haiix... really really really hate this sch..
wish that i can change sch, but its impossible.. haiix... wanna die le larh.. lol..ARGH!! STRESSED!! STRESSED!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 13, 2009


heyyo ppl!
today is 13th june and i wanna wish Sarah Soon a
congratulations on being a year older and cleverer! XD
hahas...anyways, today i actually nid to go to church gathering @ Angela's hse,
but i decided not to go as i really dun wanna see her again AND i oso nid to do my homework.. wasnt exactly a good day..
i started on my maths hw(finally!) but it was damn difficult larh..
even if i finish my maths, i still have 作文,应用问 to do leh..
haiix.. feeling extremely depressed and stressed and i want desserts!!
i dun feel like doing my homework lah... haiix... why muz have so many hw?! i die first larh.. haiix..
heyy ppl, i gottogo.. dunno why today post so little.. mayb because i too depressed le ba... hahas..
byeebyee! cya ppl soon! XD
~michelle was here and isnt feeling happy at all~

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


hiie ppl!
nothing much happened to me as usual. i went to school, had harmoc prac andd... nth much.. just that my 教练 nvr come and ii overheard my Vice-Pres sayy he went overseas, then forget everything.. so come back 'blur blur' de.. or sth like that.. ^^ i dun mean to eavedrop but they say it kinda loudly so i heard everything.. i'll bet most if the ppl oso heard lor.. lols..
anw, i heard a extremely good news.. I DUN HAVE CCA PRAC ANYMORE FOR THIS WEEK AND NEXT WEEK BECAUSE MY TEACHER I/C DUN WAN(vice-pres or pres sayy de)!! SO I'M FREE(until 23rd, that is)!!
~lalala~ i am soo random sia.. dunno wad to rite, no sequence de.. jump here jump there(direct translation from "跳来跳去").. hahas.. soo sorryy.. but 我就是like that de.. and i am like, changing from 'channel 5' to 'channel 8'.. no wonder my language sux like hell.. haiix.. i noe i very vulgar.. haiix..
rite now, my sis is busy doin her hw while i am slacking.. though i noe that i've been slacking for the whole hols.. haiix.. random..
~lalala~ i have NOTHING more to write.. so u ppl have escaped from my randomness..^^ hahas.. congrats! byee! cya nx time!~

Thursday, June 4, 2009

yo ppl!
i'm posting again. hahas. realised that my life wasnt as interesting as other ppl. hahas. my life was.. boring... really.. its all routine... haiix.. its the holidays yea, so i would juz like to wish everybody a happy holidays though i noe that most or all of u might have a pile of homework as high as a mountain... hahas, direct translation(堆积如山)lols..
i hope all of u have finished at least one of ur hw? have ya? i havent.. sad... i'm feeling really lazy.. i have no mood to do homework.. though i would like to do.. hahas.. almost all of them is on9 de.. SAD...><
hahas.. okies.. i noe i'm very luo shuo but juz bear with me yea? finishing soon le larh..
Okies.. as i promised.. i'm done with my post! thanks for bearing me for this long!! byebye!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Nothing Much...

heyys ppl,
its been one week since i written. the last time i wrote was in 20th May,yea?
yea, so, juz wanted to congratulate everybody for surviving another term in school. hahas.
i realized that i am like posting once a week only. so sorry. its juz that i cant find time to blog u see.
ppl, juz wanted to ask if there will be any class outing during the june hols as i seriously seriously have no idea.
if there is, pls inform me.. thx alot. but pls pls pls pls pleaseee do NOT have it during the 2nd or 3rd week of hols as i will not be in s'pore...
and if there is any changes to the hols outing plan, pls also inform me,kays? tq so very much..:)
today i got a chocolate from Mrs G! yeah! hahas. i juz ate it and it taste SUPERB!! lols..
we had a celebration and we played double whacko, yeah?was it fun? and sue fang, i am so so so so very sorry for 'sabo-ing u,,
i didnt do it on purpose.. juz that i 分心 for a while to pass the sweet ard.. so sorry. anws, i hoped everybody had fun playing double whacko yeah?
if dun have then i am so very sorry for not being able to let evryone 尽情地去玩... i am so sorry..
and my congrats to angelina, jianing and junyu cuz they got into SC... muz be the class role model kayys?? hahas.
anws, hope evryone will have a fun and interesting and exciting june hols!! wooo!! i am so looking forward to it! hahas.
okayys, i have NOTHING more to write for today. byebyee!! hope to see you soon!!

(p.s. sorry for my very bad english and my randomness...i apologise sincerely... bb)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

~lalala~ confessions of a lazy girl

heyys ppl,

sorryy for not posting for a long time... was busy with schoolwork..^^ hahas

i shall summarise wad happened today...

today; 20/5/09 @ 11.00pm
okies..this is after my recess and the lesson shld be Science. we went to the Science Lab and did an experiment(duh!)... anws, instead of 2 lessons, we had 3 lessons..why? because the boiies are so damn noisy and Mr Ngan(my sc teacher) cannot finish his lesson and we were only halfway through the experiment. so, he took our english lesson which is right after his lesson(duh!), and we had to go through another period of 45 min. but anw, i dun mind..^^ hahas... i dun care larh actually.
after the science(finally),we went to the hall.. got aircon!! lols. but then the aircon not cold de...BOO!! anws, our sch got sell ice-cream after the assembly(@1.15pm - 2.00pm) but i didnt buy cuz i dun wan waste money.. unless u wanna treat me?^^ and when i was walking to the gate, i saw Dr.Boon(my principal), and unluckily for me, my shoelaces was untied. so she said,"girl,ur shoelaces is untied." and i said,"thankyou Dr.Boon." real softly cuz i very scared of her..and besides, she was walking beside Ms.Cheong(VP)... and i took a picture of the durian at the sch!!

the rite?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

heyy ppl,
this is my first blog and i'm new here so pls forgive me if u find me very annoying or whatsoever. yea.
so, today i went to church. and nothing much happenned. and i havent do my hw! argh.. wadever.. anw tomoro is a holiday so i still have 24 hrs more to do my work.^^ woohoo!lol. k. anw,my results in sch sucks! i got B3 for almost all my subjects!! at least i passed..^^
okay...i have nothing more to rite... bye!!